
Meet Camellia

I love fitness in all realms. A healthy body is paramount to be able to explore so many spaces on planet Earth. I have seen power in intentionally developing a strong mental mind & physical body to excel in competitive fitness, as well as complete intensive outdoor adventures. I love to support individuals to equally combine both mind & body to tap into opportunities which previously had been unimagined. Whether local yoga practices, extreme backpacking, snack fuel absorption normalities, or a scheduled competitive race schedule I love to allow others to “see” themselves in fitness to discover new realities.

Coach & Elite Athlete

  • Degree in Kinesiology

  • Ironman World Athlete

  • Run Queen Records

  • Marathon Record Holder

  • Girls Sports Coach

  • Spudman Champion

  • TriUtah Champion

Jessica, her bike, and a first place trophy

Meet Jessica

Born in Roubaix, France (yes, that same city from the famous Paris - Roubaix cycling race!), I have always been a fan of cycling, and have watched it ever since I can remember. But growing up, I never saw women present at races. I never imagined I could also have a blast on my bike. I bought my first road bike when I was 31 years old, and I can’t imagine a life without cycling! Now, as a competitive cyclist, triathlete, and runner, I want to show others that they can achieve their dreams as well.

Coach & Elite Athlete

  • UT 1st Crit Series Cyclist

  • Latoja Queen Records

  • Ironman World Athlete

  • Marathon Podium Winner

  • Specialist in Girls Nutrition

  • Specialist in Girls Strength

  • Specialist in Girls Fitness